Are You a Tired Landlord?

Often we speak with people who have previously bought a property for investment. Being a landlord has its rewards but sometimes the landlord maybe dealing with a difficult tenant. In some cases the landlord maybe in a position where he or she just wants to get out of the property by selling it. They are looking to sell their house as is with the tenants in it.

Selling the house cash is often the best choice for a tired landlord since it gives he or she the opportunity to buy another property that may be easier for them to manage. Also, if the tenant refuses to vacate the property it can be sold as a sight unseen property. In this case the buyer of the property will buy the house without going inside to see the property. The new buyer will also take care of the new landlord.

            Most of the time we speak to a tired landlord who have a tenant that they got by listing the property for rent on any particular website and or by referral, sign, etc.…. But, sometimes they may be dealing with a family member. This is a difficult situation because of the feeling attachment. In this case a Cash Buyer can set up a date for the closing. This will give the tenant/family member time to look for another place to live. This presents a win win situation for buyer, seller and tenant.

            Are you tired of dealing with tenants?? Reach out to us to find out how you can sell your investment house (Houses) fast. And, your choices! You may be in a position where you have outgrown your position as a landlord and can just receive income form them without having to deal with the actual property and or tenants!!

Call us today at 813-278-6948

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