Need To Sell Your Distressed House Fast?
Call or Text Us
(813) 278-6948
Sell Your House Quickly AS-IS
No Hassles or Commissions
Cash Offer
Need to sell house fast, Needs new roof, Needs costly repairs, Vacant, Smells, Hoarder House, Doesn’t qualify for a regular home loan, Pre-Foreclosure-Inherited-Distressed-Vacant-Bad Tenants-Loss of Employment-Tax Liens-HOA-Overleveraged-Short Sale-Judgement-Code Violations….
Call Us (813) 278-6948
Sell Your House Fast
Selling a house is a big decision. At Cash House Buyers Tampa you will be treated with respect and integrity. We know that life can get challenging at times…. We are parents, daughters, sons, sisters, aunts, brothers, grandparents…Our own families have faced difficult and challenging situations here in the Tampa Bay Area. We will treat you like one of our family. With honesty and integrity.

You can get a cash offer in 24 hours on your distressed house-No Obligation or Fees
- Need Cash ASAP
- Pre-Foreclosure-Auction
- Job Loss
- Need to Sell Fast
- Unwanted house
- Distressed House
- Can’t fix it up, too many repairs-Bad Roof-Bathrooms-Kitchen
- Short Sale
- Bankruptcy
- Loss of Employment
- Tax Lien
- Judgement
- Back Taxes IRS Lien
- Child Support Issue
- Cant Afford Payments
- Code Violations
- Fire Damage
- Trashed Rental
- Water Damage
- Vacant
- Probate
- Inheritance
- Bad Investment
- Want Downsize