Having a Fire Damage your home is not fair….This year the Fire Department will answer to about 1.35 million fires 338,000 of those are in homes. Fortunately some of them happen while no one was in the home.
If you have had fire damage in your home and want to sell it fast give
us a call at 813-278-6948 for a cash offer on your house.
At Cash House Buyers Tampa you can receive a cash offer within 24 hours or less even if your house has fire damage. The offer on your house is AS-IS Cash No repairs or cleaning needed!
How much can I get for my house? –This a general question we often here from home owners. If you are looking to Sell Your House Fast and is in distressed condition you don’t need to worry about making any repairs, cleaning or clearing out unwanted stuff…. We will give you a cash offer regardless of the condition of your house.