Homeowners in The Tampa Bay Are and Hillsborough County may not be aware that once delinquent on taxes for their house the county holds a tax deed certificate sale. Private and Individual investors may buy a tax certificate because it gives them interest for their money until the home owner pays the delinquent taxes.
If the homeowner fails to pay the taxes for two years, the certificate holder may file a tax deed application with the Tax Collector’s office to begin the process of selling the property at a public auction. A homeowner can pay the taxes and then nothing will happen. A homeowner having trouble with paying their taxes to Hillsborough County can choose to sell the house fast and just pay off the taxes at closing.
Some homeowners that have reached out to us have been looking for a home buyer that will purchase the house so they can get out of debt and go on with their lives. If you find yourself in this situation please contact us we can give you a cash offer on your house and sell fast.